A Private Orchard Garden in Las Vegas
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A formal parterre and flanking cypress delineate the area between the private inner courtyard and the large rear orchard garden.
An orchard of pistachios, almonds and pecans was planted soon after they purchased the property. Until then, the land had been used for stables. The symmetry of the orchard led to the design of a formal rear garden with a distinctive Southwestern influence. To one side of the property beyond a driveway is a semi-wild looking desert garden.
A “fountain” of drought tolerant Pampas grass (Cortaderia selloana) is at the center of the circular drive at the front of the home.
Tall blue urns flank the hidden entry to the home. Climbing Ficus makes its way up the wall beneath the California Pepper tree. The owner-designer decided to create color in the garden by use of tiles, furniture, urns and ornaments.
(If you’re inspired by this colorful furniture consider using Adirondack chairs. They are already painted and ready to use in your garden.)
There are few blooming flowers with the exception of small plantings of gold Lantana near the fountain in the orchard. At the heart of the orchard garden behind the home is a fountain encircled by tile paving designed by the owner, Victoria Morgan. This view looks toward the rear of the property where a pergola covered with grape vines stretches across the property.
A closer look at the tiles surrounding the fountain. Gold Lantana, which requires little attention and little water is one of the few flowering ornamentals.
A lamp designed by Victoria Morgan casts light on the orchard’s trees and pathways when night falls. The desert climate dries out teak furniture, so the decision was made to paint all outdoor benches and chairs.
A no-water desert garden
Below, early morning light floods into the desert garden adjacent to the drive. This area is allowed to have a wilder look than the formal garden nearer the house. It is not watered regularly and survives only on scant rainfall.
Left, a Desert Willow (Chilopsis linearis), native of the Mojave desert, is surrounded by Agaves. This part of the garden is not irrigated; it survives only with the water that falls from the sky.
Our Thanks to Victoria and Dennis Morgan for allowing us to photograph their exceptionally beautiful garden. They have since moved and, sadly, this extraordinary garden–utterly ideal for hot dry climates–no longer exists in the state shown in these photos.
Designer: Victoria Morgan.
To preview other Public Gardens in the West, go here
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