Front yards don’t look the way they used to. For generations, the American standard from coast to coast has been green grass as a carpet in the front of the house. Mowed once a week. It was all very orderly and not many decisions were involved. The homeowner’s “garden personality” was expressed in the choice of shrubs or flowers chosen to line the edges of that green carpet like a fringe. Lawn replacement didn’t even enter people’s minds.
(NOTE: It is still too hot to plant in most of the Southwest, so I am writing about Lawn Replacement again! Wait until the temperature drops below 90 degree F before beginning Fall planting.)
Now as homeowners in the West under the pressures of drought and climate change rush to remove these conventional front lawns no clear single standard for replacement exists. What many homeowners know is that the grass in front of their house is “bad” and needs to go. The Water Department said so. And even offered to pay part of the replacement costs.
Homeowners are facing new lawn decisions

“Agaves? Aloes? Aeoniums? Or maybe a single color field of gold Lantana? Yeah. That sounds good. Just one type of plant and one color. Oh–but will that be too much gold? Would pink Lantana be better? Or maybe native plants? Or maybe… [pause] Or maybe I’ll just hire someone to do it for me.”
While homeowners may be overwhelmed by these decisions, many of the landscapers installing these new front yards are not. Agaves seem to be becoming the basic plant around which low water usage gardens are being created.
Now I have nothing against agaves. Without them we wouldn’t have Margaritas. And long-nosed bats would simply be another vanishing species if agaves disappeared.
Moreover, these plants are practically indestructible with a lifespan of several decades. (Yes, I know they are called “century plants”, but they really do not live for a 100 years.) Professional landscapers love plants that they can stick in the ground and then count on to remain alive long after they have left the scene. They do not want to hear complaints about plants dying on previous jobsites.
So agaves it is.
But these plants need visual softening, some other plants to add visual variety. Even the plant-and-go landscapers recognize that but rarely do ornamental grasses become their first choice as “other plants”.

I wish they would. From a 15 foot tall Pampas Grass (Cortaderia selloana) to line an unpainted block wall to 6 inch tall Mondo grass or Lilyturf (Liriope muscari) to cover a gentle slope in green, ornamental grasses are interesting and beautiful additions to a drought-tolerant garden.

A Large Agave surrounded by grass and rocks
This mix of Blue Fescue (Festuca), Deer Grass (Mulhenbergia rigens) and Agaves along a simulated creek bed filled with rocks is a classic image of lawn replacement using drought tolerant grasses. It takes an artistic hand to site these plants in a way that looks good. It also takes money. Creating artificial streams can be very expensive.
Grasses to line a garden path

Far less expensive is Red Fountain grass (Pennisetum setaceum ‘Rubrum’) planted along a sidewalk. It becomes a colorful addition to a drought-tolerant garden. It is especially attractive in Autumn when it blooms and dances in the wind. The nearby Agave is good for structure, but not for gracefulness.
Next are a pair of photos showing before and after Mexican Feather grass (Nassella tenuissima) was added to a garden of Agaves and Aeoniums. Sadly, the “Before” photo with chopped off Feather grass in a distant corner was actually taken in September of 2018. The “After” was taken in 2016. Why the homeowner decided to whack off the Feather Grass before he put the house up for sale is beyond me.
Before: A garden of Agave and Aeoniums

After: Adding Mexican Feather Grass to the Agave garden
For a hilarious take on Agaves, read this very funny article by Frank Smith in The Awl.
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