Gardening gadgets and fun stuff for your garden

Last month I promised a post about gardening gadgets, so here it is. Full disclosure: I am not making any money from these suggestions. They are simply handy things–and some fun ones–to have for your garden and for gardening.

A full-function gardener’s apron. This isn’t exactly a gadget but an durable, easy care full size apron with lots of pockets and a kangaroo pouch gives you the protection you need plus places for all your compact garden tools, gloves, sun screen, clippings and fruit you have harvested. Cost: $20 and up.

Gardener’s sleeves. These are like long sleeve, fingerless gloves to protect your arms from scratches while you’re working in the garden. And now they come in really terrific, fun patterns. I’m surprised that some internet influencer or Paris fashion house hasn’t jumped on these for style alone!

Garden kneeler and seat. There are several styles shown on Google and Amazon that let you sit or kneel while you weed the flower beds or trim the shrubs. One even has an umbrella attachment — which I like a lot. I’m not going to show any of them; there are over 20 listed on Amazon plus more at Target and Walmart. Prices run from $3o up. (There are lower priced ones, but they look flimsy and flimsy is not good.)

Pruning shears for arthritic hands. Okay, you young gardeners don’t need these now, but us older ones appreciate the ergonomic design that German engineers put into these easy-to-use clippers/shears. Their claim is that they are 3 times easier to use.

An umbrella hat is exactly what it says. A medium size umbrella you can wear to protect yourself from the sun’s dangerous rays. The downside I see to this hat is that it is large enough to bump into shrubs and low tree branches while you’re wearing it. (But now having had 3 operations for skin cancer, I strongly suggest protecting your skin.)

Mini-electric chain saw. Yep. There is now a small chain saw that runs on a battery for use in trimming branches. I would love to have one of these. They are small and lightweight — less than 2 pounds. My little garden saw is so old, dull and rusted that it is useless. Prices for the better quality mini chain saw start around $150 and go up. TIP: Check customer reviews before you buy.

Robotic lawnmower. We’ve all seen the Husqvarna ads for their new lawnmower that is guided by satellite gps. (It looks like it could be a shiny, black Mars rover!) But Segway, the people who made those funny two wheel standing vehicles, also makes a robotic lawnmower. Not cheap, of course. The Segway starts at $1,000. Husqvarna has one low priced model but most are $1,000 to $4,000. Check the reviews before you buy.

An inflatable outdoor movie screen. Yes. You can hold movie parties in your back yard this summer with an inflatable screen and outdoor projector. The screen will set you back about $120 or so. Be sure to find out if the air pump runs silently and that the screen is stable if a breeze springs up during your viewing party. You don’t want your screen sailing off over the fence into your neighbor’s yard. Outdoor movie projectors start at as little as $100 but the top of the line projectors are closer to $300.

And, finally, Eat Pizza. My favorite from last month’s newsletter: an outdoor pizza oven to feed your guests before the movie starts.

Next month: Easy walls and ornaments

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